Watch This: Adorable Baby Elephant Dances for Safari Tourists in South Africa’s Kruger National Park

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A delightful scene unfolded when a baby elephant entertained tourists by dancing in the middle of the road at Kruger National Park in South Africa.

The young elephant was captured on video swaying its trunk, shaking its tail, and stomping its feet in a playful performance for the onlookers.

The infant elephant’s ears flapped, and its head nodded as it enthusiastically moved its body. Those filming the scene chuckled softly not to disturb the amusing display.


The baby elephant, still exhibiting a lively bounce in its step, approached its mother, crossing its front legs dramatically.

The elephant saunters over towards its mother, keeping a little bounce in his step and crossing his front legs over each other theatrically. Source: Daily Mail

Upon joining its mother, the infant remained beside her as she entered the road.

The video shows the baby elephant continuing its playful antics by lowering its front legs to touch the ground with its trunk.


Seemingly unable to remain still, the animal paced back and forth before moving toward the grass at the roadside.

The footage, filmed at Kruger National Park, South Africa, shows the young animal shaking its tail and swinging its trunk excitedly. Source: Daily Mail

Initially filmed in June 2019, the video has recently gained new attention online. Two more elephants soon joined the mother and baby pair.

The person who recorded the video said, “While leading a wildlife safari in the world-famous Kruger National Park, we had this incredible and comical sighting of this baby elephant dancing and playing on the road in front of us.”

Source: Daily Mail

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