This is the incredible moment the tables turned, for a hungry lion was forced to run for his life when a herd of buffalo chased him.
Used to be at the top of the food chain, this hungry lion quickly learned the meaning of ‘safety in numbers’ as he was forced to flee a buffalo stampede.
Architect and amateur photographer Ramona Reichert, 36, captured the moment the big cat looked more like a house cat with his tail between his legs.
A male lion was forced to run after the tables turned, and a herd of buffalo ran towards him.Architect and amateur photographer Ramona Reichert, 36, captured the moment in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
Originally from Germany but now living in Switzerland, Ramona snapped these images while on safari with her husband at the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
She said: ‘We were in the car when we saw the lions hiding in the grass about 50 meters away and the buffaloes advancing in their direction.
‘We decided to stop and waited to see if something special might happen when they came together. ‘It was a big herd of hundreds of buffaloes with two lions.
The photographer saw the lion’s golden mane in the grass about 50 meters away from her car and the buffaloes advancing in their direction. Three lions tried to hide out in the grass when the buffalo spotted them. One lion charged, but the bull started to fight back.
The photographer said there were ‘two attacks in about 10 minutes’. The first attack was on the lion couple ‘but the second buffalo attack was closer to our car, and the buffalo charged the single lion.’
‘We could see the black mass of hundreds of buffaloes in the pale yellow grass from a long distance. ‘We kept a respectful distance so we were never in any danger.
‘As we came closer, we saw the three lions emerge in the high grass – a couple mating in the company of another male lion. ‘Slowly, the buffaloes approached where the trio was lying camouflaged in the grass. ‘Finally, they got the scent of the three predators, and one of the buffalo bulls heroically approached the single lion.
The lion is seen here charging at the buffalo before retreating when the animal does not back down. Ms Reichart said the lion had an expression that showed his surprise and shock at the ambush.
‘The lion charged, but the buffalo bull started to fight back. ‘The lion had no choice but to run. You can see the shock and surprise in his wide-open eyes.
‘There were two attacks in about 10 minutes. The first attack was on the couple who were a bit further away from us, but the second buffalo attack was closer to our car, and the buffalo charged the single lion.
‘I like the expression on the lion’s face in these photos – showing his surprise and shock. ‘He’s well aware that the buffaloes are dangerous, and confronting them might mean his death. ‘I was surprised at how well the expression showed on the lion’s face. The blowing wind emphasizes his movement and shows in his mane.
‘The buffalo looks so heroic, and I like that buffaloes are so social and fight back – they are team players. ‘We’ve never seen this behavior in real life before. ‘It is known that buffaloes stick together, but seeing them defending or attacking was fascinating.
The fantastic photos show the buffalo standing tall together in the grass after frightening their predator. Ms Reichart said they ‘look so heroic, and I like that buffaloes are social and fight back – they are team players.’
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