Bath time can often be challenging for human parents and animals, as evidenced by these striking images of a tiger mother trying to clean her playful cub.
The scene unfolded in the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra, India, where the mother tiger led her cub to the river.

The young one seemed more engrossed in frolicking and splashing about than getting scrubbed clean.
Rather than expressing frustration, the affectionate mother tiger ended the bathing ritual with a tender kiss on the cub’s lips.

Ninad Sane, a 26-year-old software tester and photography enthusiast from Mumbai, took these heartwarming photographs. Sane had visited the reserve intending to study the behavior of these magnificent big cats.
“I had been waiting to spot the tiger mother and her cubs for quite a while before they finally appeared and headed down to the river,” Sane shared. “The cub was all over the place in the water, jumping and splashing, much like a human child would.
But the mother maintained control, even though the cub seemed keen on playing. The mother’s calmness throughout the entire experience was truly touching.”

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