Bobcats Take Over Arizona Woman’s Courtyard: A Furry Surprise!

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Kate Smith from Mesa, Arizona, woke up one morning to a surprise – a charming family of young bobcats had made her front courtyard their temporary home.

Sharing a photo of the adorable visitors on Twitter, Smith humorously remarked, “Apparently, I’m running an Airbnb for bobcats.”

Initially, it was just two bobcats, but soon, a third joined in, making themselves comfortable in Smith’s courtyard. The bobcats grew bolder as days turned into weeks, even venturing closer to Smith’s home.


“These guys have been here a month,” Smith shared. “I’ve been told that as soon as the cubs are old enough to hunt on their own, they should be moving on, but they’ve been here a while.”

This close encounter with wildlife was rare for Smith, who had lived in the area for 24 years. In the past, she had only encountered a bobcat briefly when one needed medical assistance.

Concerned about the bobcats’ well-being, Smith contacted the Arizona Game and Fish Department for advice.


However, she was informed that relocating them could endanger their lives. “They’re territorial, so if you plop them down in an unfamiliar area, they usually won’t make it,” Smith explained.

Despite enjoying their company, Smith and her family eagerly awaited the day the bobcats would move on. Four months later, the furry guests bid farewell, leaving fond memories behind.

“We’re glad to have our outdoor space back, but we will miss them,” Smith tweeted.


For those living in areas frequented by bobcats, the Arizona Game and Fish Department advises keeping grass and shrubbery trimmed and removing pet food to discourage these wild visitors.


Read more Wildlife News.